Dogpro+ Mayanup Supreme 2023

Report by Marianne Rogers
Photos by Tanya DeBijl

Held at Mayanup’s home ground on Thursday 23rd to Sunday 26th March 2023.

18 Year Old Corey Rose with his dog Boylee Pick, a Border Collie, won the Mayanup Patron Trophy for being the youngest person in WA to ever win an Open Championship.

The weather throughout the Mayanup Trial was extremely varied. Friday was predominantly hot, Saturday Windy, Saturday evening brought impressive thunderstorms forcing us to take cover and Sunday was freezing for this time of year.

The sheep were not the usual Dohnes we have come to expect at this trial. For all three classes we had two and three year old composite ewes with four months of wool. They were very consistent, providing different challenges and keeping the judges busy as they explored most of the trial ground. Although these sheep were challenging, they could be worked. They stayed on the ground but refused to go through obstacles without lots of effort by the dogs.

The average time a trialler managed to stay on the ground was around ten minutes so handlers did have a chance to work the sheep. Most triallers battled at the gap and had to make quite a number of attempts before achieving it. Occasionally those sheep that went through the gap settled for the rest of the course. Other times the sheep could decide either the race, bridge or pen was a no-go area! They did not simply slip around an obstacle but took off for a far corner and had to be rounded up and returned before another attempt at the obstacle could be made.

Judged by Per Ostberg

43 Runs minus 12 scratchings left us with 31 runs and there were 10 scores

 WorkerDog Score
1Steve Wallace Belleview Bridget70
2Marianne RogersOK Anwenelle63
3Simon LeaningMarionvale Caddy59
4Ivan SolomonPerangery Dot46
5Karyn BullerBoonining Digit (K)44
6Ken AthertonRamulam Prickles (K)40
7Des DaviesMarionvale Bella38
8Jan CornishBellview Bailey35
9Karyn BullerBoco Louie (K)21
10Jan CornishBelleview Ted19
K = Kelpie

Judged by Carolyn Bell

37 Runs minus 8 scratchings left us with 29 runs and there were 8 scores

1Des DaviesMarionvale Bella534598
2Simon LeaningMarionvale Woody (K)71X71
3Frank SutherlandRocky Bindi53962
4Blake RobinsonNap (K)56LS56
5Peter GormanPendalup Ted56X56
6Rob SmithBoonining Duck (K)52 52
7Tony BoyleBoylee Cournel11 11
8Per OstbergMyNrOne Favvo3 3
X = Cross
LS = Lost Sheep
K = Kelpie

Judged by Grant Cooke

64 Runs minus 10 scratchings left us with 54 runs and there were 22 scores

1Corey RoseBoylee Pick7160131
2Frank SutherlandPendalup Sue6740107
3Peter GormanPendalup Lucy514899
4Ken AthertonRamulam Charlie (K)70979
5Frank MaynardPendalup Nicki304878
6Tony BoyleBoylee Midget373774
7Len MortonPerangery Sadie363773
8Len MortonPerangery Maudie68RTD68
9Frank SutherlandRocky Magpie62X62
10Simon LeaningMarionvale Chip (K)58X58
11Gibb McDonaldEllie51NPA51
12Peter GormanPendalup Steel31RTD31
X = Cross
RTD = Retired
NPA = No Points Awarded
K = Kelpie