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                                                      Dogpro Plus Northern Districts

                                                     Yard and Utility Trial

                                                      Binnaburra, 22nd to 24th June

                                                                 Report and Photos by Nan Lloyd



Entries were down at this years annual Binnaburra Yard and Utility trial but the events were as competitive as ever.

For the top 12 in the open yard there were only 6 points separating all the finalists, and there was another runoff to decide the winner.

The weather was unusually mild. Binnaburra is known for its crunching frosts and freezing winds, but this year there was neither.

So those present had an enjoyable time, with the evening drinks and meals around the diesel ‘Woofer’ a highlight as always.

The sheep were borrowed from a neighbor and were very good, workable but tricky enough to test the dogs.




Novice Utility, judged by Doreen Hansen.

Scores out of 115.


1st. Nan Lloyd. Kumbark Ace. 102+100=202 Kelpie

2nd. Allan Dunn. Dunns Harley. 80+96=176. Kelpie.

3rd. Nan Lloyd. Barkervale Oswin. 78+89=167. Kelpie.

4th. Rod Forsyth. Grassvalley Hazel. 73+75=148. BC.

5th. Tony Boyle. Chillie. 79+60=139. Kelpie X.

6th. Rick Janitz. Badgingarra Izzy. 68+68=136. BC.  


Novice yard, judged by Doreen Hansen. 

Scores out of 65.


1st. Jim Harradine. Dryandra Bridie. 64+56=120. BC.

2nd. Andrew Gorton Oscar. 61+57=118. BC.

3rd. Rod Forsyth. Barvervale Austin. 61+55=116. Kelpie

=4th. Jim Harradine.. Dryandra Cooch. 58+51=109.

=4th. Allen Dunn. Valooka Buck. 59+50=109. Kelpie

6th. Jim Harradine. Nolans Quest. 57+41=98. BC


Open Utility, judged by Andrew Gorton.

Scores out of 115.


1st. Ken Atherton. Ramulam Punch.105+99=204 Kelpie.

2nd. Tony Boyle. Boylee Sugar. 109+94=203. BC

3rd. Gordon Curtis. Kumbark Tina. 100+97=197. Kelpie.

4th. Gordon Curtis. Binnaburra Johnnie. 103+87=190. Kelpie

5th. Gordon Curtis. Binnaburra Ben.101+88=189. Kelpie

6th. Gordon Curtis. Whites Joe. 95+91=186. Kelpie.

7th. Nan Lloyd. Barkervale Oswin. 103+76=179. Kelpie

8th. Tony Boyle. Boylee Midget. 96+80=176. BC.

9th. Nan Lloyd. Kumbark Rocket. 92+65=157. Kelpie.

10th. Rod Forsyth. Barkervale Austin. 85+70=155. Kelpie.

11th. Rick Janitz. Badgingarra Izzy. 95+51=146.BC

12th. Gordon Curtis. Kumbark Indi. 86+59=145. Kelpie 

13th. Ken Atherton. Ramulam Pick. 85+RTD=85. BC


Open Yard, judged by Andrew Gorton. Final judged by ken Atherton. Andrew Judged by Ken Atherton and Gordon Curtis.

Scores out of 65.


1st. Allen Dunn. Tumutvally Roy.63+61+49=173. Kelpie.

2nd. Gordon Curtis,Binnaburra Ben. 64+60+RTD=124. Kelpie.

3rd. Gordon Curtis. Binnaburra Johnnie. 60+56=116. Kelpie

4th. Gordon Curtis. Kumbark Tina. 60+53-113. Kelpie.

5th. Hayden Harries. Olboa Ben. 61+51=112. BC.

6th. Andrew Gorton. Oscar. 59.5+52=111.5. BC

=7th. Jim Harradine Dryandra Bridie. 58+51=109. BC

=7th. Tony Boyle. Boylee Sugar. 60+49=109. BC

=9th. Rick Janitz. Jandoree Sparky. 59+45=104. BC

=9th. Nan Lloyd.Barkervale Oswin. 58+46=104. Kelpie

11th. Andrew Gorton. Just Murray. 58.5+44=102.5.Kelpie

12th. Rod Forsyth. Grassvalley Hazel. 60+41=101.BC.

13th. Rick Janitz. Badgingarra Izzy. 59+22=81.


Encouragement awards went to Marianne Rogers and Jim Harradine.


Marianne Rogers. OK Anwenelle.


Ramulam Gizmo

Allen Dunn and Tumutvalley Jude.


Rod Forsyth and Grassvalley Hazel


Jim Harradine and Dryandra Bridie.


In the early morning sun, Tony Boyle and Boylee Sugar.


Andrew Gortons Just Murray.