Tarwonga Yard and Utility 13-15th April



The first Yard and Utility trial for the Western Australian season took place at the Atherton’s property “Sunnyside”.


The sheep this year were mixed age Ewes that had a tendency to run, split and jump fences. They needed careful handling outside and could not be rushed. Due to this no-one managed to get to the pen. The more experienced dogs handled them better though.

In the yard they laid on the dogs somewhat and many teams had problems getting them from the big gathers into the yard. The flowed onto the truck well, but it was difficult to persuade them to leave it. They provided an interesting challenge though.


The weather treated us exceptionally well across the weekend with cold nights and warm, pleasant days, althought the dust was  a challenge, due to the recent dry weather and despite repeated wetting down.


This event kicks off a massive year of yard and utility trials in WA. We will  host the National Kelpie Field trial at the end of the month followed up promptly by the National Yard Championship to be held at the Dinninup show grounds.


Novice Utility: Judged by Nan Lloyd. Scores out of 120


1st: Gordon Curtis/ Kumbark Indie: 70. Kelpie

2nd: Tony Boyle/Chillie. 53. Kelpie X.

3rd: Tony Boyle/Boylee Midget. 50. BC

4th: Rick Janitz/Badgingarra Izzy. 48. BC

5th: Simon Leaning/Marionvale Will. 35. Kelpie


Novice Yard: Judged by Tanya DeBijl. Scores out of 80.


1st: Nan Lloyd/Kumbark Ace- 65. Kelpie.

2nd: Simon Leaning/Jandoree Chevy- 60. BC

3rd: Rod Forsyth/Barkervale Austen- 57. Kelpie.

=3rd: Simon Leaning/Marionvale Lad- 57. BC

5th: Allan Dunn/Harley- 52. Kelpie

=5th: Simon Leaning/Marionvale Will 52. Kelpie.


Open Utility: Judged by Grant Cooke. cores out of 120


1st: Gordon Curtis/Whites Joe- 75+84=159. Kelpie

2nd: Nan Lloyd/Barkervale Oswin-  71+80=151. Kelpie

3rd: Simon Leaning/Chidlow Floss-  82+67=149. BC

4th: Gordon Curtis/Binnaburra Ben- 71+74=145. Kelpie

=4th: Ken Atherton/Ramulam Punch-  72+73=145. Kelpie

6th: Nan Lloyd/Kumbark Rocket- 61+77=138. Kelpie

7th: Tony Boyle/Boylee Sugar- 65+72=137. BC

8th: Ken Atherton/Ramulam Lad- 72+42=134. Kelpie

9th: Tanya Debijl/Tilly- 64+69=133. Kelpie

10th: Simon Leaning/Marionvale Lad- 72+42=131. BC

11th: Gordon Curtis/Binnaburra Johnny- 72+LS=72. Kelpie

12th: Ken Atherton/Boylee Pick- 64+RTD=64. BC


Open yard: Judged by Hayden Harries (final Judged by Andrew Gorton) Scores out of 100.


1st: Ken Atherton/Ramulam Punch- 85+87=172. Kelpie

2nd: Simon Leaning/Chidlow Floss- 83+88=171. BC

3rd: Nigel Armstrong/Yarralonga Scope- 82+84=166. Kelpie

4th: Tanya Debijl/Tilly-79+86=165. Kelpie

5th: Nigel Armstrong/Tumut Valley Jude- 75+89=164. Kelpie

6th: Tony Boyle/Boylee Sugar- 72+88=160. BC

7th: Simon Leaning/Marionvale Lad- 73+82=155. BC

8th: Tony Boyle/Boylee Midget- 65+85=150. BC

9th: Hayden Harries/Olboa Ben-71.5+78=149.5.. BC

10th: Allan Dunn/Buck- 72+76=148. Kelpie

11th: Gordon Curtis/Binnaburra Johnny- 71+66=137. Kelpie

12th: Nigel Armstrong/Tumut Valley Roy- 91+LS=91. Kelpie


Simon Leaning's Marionvale Lad


Rick Janitz's Ramulam Gizmo


Richard Mcguire and Royal Blue Wombat


Gordon Curtis' Binnaburra Ben


Hayden Harries and Olboa Ben


Nigel Armstrong and Tumut Valley Jude


Marianne Rogers' OK Anwenelle


Tony Boyle's Boylee Sugar.


Article by Jim Harradine and Nan LLoyd

Photos by Nan Lloyd









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