Dogpro plus Tarwonga Yard and Utility Trial. April 11th to 14th.



As usual the first Yard and Utility trial of the year was run at the Atherton’s property ‘Sunnyside’, near Arthur River.

The sheep for the utility events had been bought in, so were different to what we had become used to. They were in fact more difficult than the ‘locals.’ 

They were four year old merino ewes that were a little wool blind, and had  a mind of their own. They were inclined to split and separate easily, and although most people managed to pick them up ok, once they got closer to the yards it was difficult to keep them under control. There was a small outside yard to put then in while the yard work was completed and although getting them in there was difficult, getting them out again was a lot harder.

They had a tendency to hang on the fence near the yards or run around the back, so dogs struggled to get them away and down the paddock to complete the outside course. The open dogs were more successful here but many of the young novice dogs found it all too hard.

The yard sheep were the usual young Dohne crosses and worked quite well but the big gathers caused a few issues for dogs that lacked cover. The open yard was once again very competitive.

The weather was a little too warm at times with cool nights. Most of the locals were waiting for rain to quench the dusty ground.


Thanks to Christine, Clint and Kurt Atherton for the use of their sheep, and Ken and Jenny Atherton for helping organize and run the trial. Utility trialling is always labour intensive and everyone does their bit, setup, office, kitchen, letouts at both ends of the ground and bringing sheep in and out. Thanks to everyone for their help.




1st. Shelby Davies. Dash. Kelpie

2nd. Jess Buller. Rufus. Kelpie.


Novice Yard. Judged by Tanya DeBijl (Tanya judged by Doreen Hansen and Rod Forsyth.)

Scores out of 80.


1st. Tanya Debijl. Jarrah. 75.5 Kelpie.

2nd Tanya Debijl. Daleview Missy. 69 Kelpie.

3rd. Rod Forsyth. Kumbark Tod. 67 Kelpie.

4th. Allan Dunn. Gogetta Thor. 65. Kelpie.

5th. Tony Boyle. Chillie. 63 Kelpie X. 

6th. Jim Harradine. Dryandra Cooch. 62. BC.

7th. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Lad. 59. BC.

8th. Allen Dunn. Valooka Buck. 58. Kelpie.

=9th. Allan Dunn. Yarralonga Ethol. 55 Kelpie.

=9th. Allan Dunn. Hip. 55 Kelpie.


Novice Utility. Judged by Karyn Buller. (Karyn Judged by Doreen Hansen and Rod Forsyth.)

Scores out of 120.


1st. Nigel Armstrong. Yarralonga Scope. 88 Kelpie.

2nd. Allan Dunn. Hip. 71 Kelpie.

3rd. Karyn Buller. Boonining Maisey. 66.5. Kelpie.

4th. Ken Atherton. Badgingarra Champ. 65 Kelpie.

5th. Allan Dunn. Gogetta Thor. 57. Kelpie.

6th. Rod Forsyth. Grassvalley Hazel. 53. BC.

7th. Rick Janitz. Badgingarra Izzy. 46. BC.

8th. Jenny Palm. Brindabella Domini. 43 BC.

9th. Nan Lloyd. Whites Ree. 16. Kelpie.

10th. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Andy. 11. BC.


Open Utility, judged by Rick Janitz. (Rick judged by Gordon Curtis and Ken Atherton)

Scores out of 120.


1st. Simon Leaning. Chidlow Floss. 92+96=188. BC.

2nd Nigel Armstrong. Yarralonga Scope. 84+96=180. Kelpie.

3rd. Gordon Curtis. Whites Joe. 74+102=176. Kelpie.

4th. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Mindy. 75+95=170. Kelpie.

5th. Ken Atherton. Ramulam Punch. 74+92=166. Kelpie.

=6th. Tony Boyle. Boylee Sugar. 66+83=149. BC.

=6th. Blake Robinson. Nap. 76+73=149. Kelpie.

8th. Tony Boyle. Boylee Midget. 72+69=141. BC

9th. Allan Dunn. Gogetta Thor. 69+70=139. Kelpie.

10th. Rock Janitz. Badgingarra Izzy. 67.5+67=137.5. BC

11th. Tanya Debijl. Boylee Scout. 78+53=131. BC.

12th. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Roy. 69+LS=69. Kelpie.


Open Yard, judged by Nan Lloyd. Scores out of 100.


1st. Nigel Armstrong. Yarralonga Scope. 90+95=185. Kelpie.

2nd. Allan Dunn. Dunns Harley. 90+91=181. Kelpie.

3rd. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Lad. 91+87=178. BC

4th. Simon Leaning. Chidlow Floss. 89+88=177. BC.

5th. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Roy. 92+84=176. Kelpie.

6th. Gordon Curtis. Whites Joe. 94+80=174. Kelpie.

7th. Allan Dunn. Gogetta Thor. 91+81=172. Kelpie.

8th. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Jude. 88+79=167. Kelpie.

9th. Tanya Debijl. Tilly. 89+77=166. Kelpie.

10th. Allan Dunn. Hip. 91+71=162. Kelpie.

11th. Jim Harradine. Dryandra Bridie. 91+63=154. BC.

12th. Rod Forsyth. Barkervale Austin. 90+52=142. Kelpie.



Tony Boyles Boylee Major.


Shelby Davies' Dash.


Rick Janitz's Badgingarra Izzy.


Nigel Armstrong's Yarralonga Scope.


Allan Dunns Gogetta Thor.


Ken Athertons Ramulam Punch.


Rod Forsyth's Grassvallay Hazel.


Presentation photos.


Novice Yard. Rod Forsyth 3rd, Tany Debijl, 1st and 2nd. Allan Dunn 4th,

Tony Boyle 5th.


Novice Utility.  Ken Atherton, 4th. Karyn Buller 3rd. Allan Dunn, 2nd and 5th.

Nigel Armstrong, 1st. 


Open Yard. Nigel Armstrong, 1st and 5th. Simon Leaning. 3rd and 4th.

Allan Dunn, 2nd.


Open Utility. Gordon Curtis, 3rd. Nigel Armstrong, 2nd. Simon Leaning, 1st and 4th.

Ken Atherton. 5th.










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