Yallambee State Yard and Utility Trial. Aug 28th-30th.



The state event was the last Yard and Utility for the year, held at Ken and Jenny Atherton’s property “Yallambee”, near Arthur River.

The weather was unusually warm on the first day but a strong breeze helped keep the temperature down, although the wind got quite strong in the afternoon and evening.

The last two days of the trial were cool but pleasant and made for excellent trialling weather. A crunching frost on Sat night bought out the gloves and beanies.

The sheep, purebred Dohnes, were excellent trial sheep, but could be a little unpredictable, especially in the yard, working well for one person then jamming up or splitting for the next. The yard course was challenging but showcased the best dogs. The first gather could be tricky and many people lost a fair few points getting them in without them breaking back. They worked nicely until they were almost through the gate, then would break and race back to the other sheep behind the fence. Strong eyed dogs had more trouble with them, as they had a tendency to turn and face the dog.

Outside they were quite good, but did need careful handling at times and could run fast if pushed too much. They were not easy to pen, so some handlers struggled to get them in.

It was a good social trial. The evening BBQ was popular, delicious food and the telling of some tall tales.




Novice yard, judged by Rod Forsyth. 


Rod was judged by Nan Lloyd and Nigel Armstrong.

Scores out of 60.


1st. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Andy. 56. BC

2nd. Blake Robinson. Ramulam Kick. 54. Kelpie.

=3rd. Nan Lloyd. Whites Ree. 53. Kelpie.

=3rd. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Chip.53.  Kelpie.

=5th. Blake Robinson. Ed. 52.BC X Kelpie.

=5th. Nigel Armstrong. Yarralonga Opal. 52. Kelpie.

7th. Blake Robinson. Nap. 51. Kelpie.

8th.Nan Lloyd. Kumbark Lexie. 48. Kelpie.

9th. Rod Forsyth. Grassvalley Hazel.44.5. BC.

=10th. Tony Boyle. Chillie. 43 Kelpie X.

=10th. Ken Atherton. Ramulam Tobie. 43. Kelpie.



Novice Utility, judged by Rod Forsyth.

Rod Judged by Nan Lloyd and Nigel Armstrong

Scores out of 130


1st. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Lad. 97. BC.

2nd. Ken Atherton. Ramulam Tobie. 95. Kelpie/

3rd. Karyn Buller. Boco Louie. 93. Kelpie.

4th. Blake Robinson. Ramulam Kick. 91.

5th. Nan Lloyd. Whites Ree. 86. Kelpie.

=6th. Nan Lloyd. Kumbark Lexie.84. Kelpie.

=6th. Tony Boyle. Chillie. 84. Kelpie X.

8th. Blake Robinson. Nap. 82.Kelpie.

9th. Neil White. Barkervale Cobber.80. Kelpie.

10th Tony Boyle. Boylee Gus. 78. BC.




Open Yard, judged by Simon Leaning. 

Simon judged by Nan Lloyd and Nigel Armstrong.

Final judged by Nan Lloyd.

Scores out of 80.


1st. Nigel Armstrong.Tumutvalley Roy. 71+68=139. Kelpie

=2nd. Nigel Armstrong. Yarralonga Scope. 66+72=138.Kelpie

=2nd. Tony Boyle. Boylee Sugar. 70+68=138. BC.

=4th. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Lad. 64+68=132. BC.

=4th. Allan Dunn. GoGetta Thor. 62+70=132. Kelpie.

6th. Ken Atherton. Ramulam Punch. 59+70=129. Kelpie. 

=7th. Blake Robinson. Ed. 60+66=126.BC X Kelpie

=7th. Rod Forsyth. Barkervale Austin. 59+67=126. Kelpie.

9th. Nigel Arnstrong. Tumutvalley Jude, 65+59=124. Kelpie

10th. Rod Forsyth. Kumbark Tod. 59+63=122.Kelpie 

11th. Blake Robinson. Nap. 63+57=120. Kelpie 

12th. Tanya DeBijl. Jarrah. 66+38-104.Kelpie 

13th. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Chip. 70.5+lS=70.5. BC.



Open Utility, judged by Gordon Curtis.

Gordon Judged by Nan Lloyd and Nigel Armstrong.


1st. Tony Boyle. Boylee Sugar. 109+107=216. BC

2nd. Gordon Curtis. Kumbark Tina. 111.5+104=215.5. Kelpie

3rd. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Jude. 102+103=205. Kelpie.

4th. Nigel Amrstrong. Yarralonga Scope.103+98=193. Kelpie

5th. Gordon Curtis. Whites Joe. 92.5+102.5=195. Kelpie

6th. Tanya DeBijl. Jarrah. 95+98=183. Kelpie.

7th. Nan Lloyd. Kumbark Lexie. 95+96=191. Kelpie.

=8th. Nan Lloyd. Barkervale Oswin. 98+92=190. Kelpie.

=8th. Ken Atherton. Ramulam Punch. 102+88=190. Kelpie.

10th. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Chip.100+81=181. Kelpie.

11th. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Lad. 100+76=176. BC.

12th. Blake Robinson. Nap. 99+RTD=99.Kelpie.



Winner of the Patrons award for best work was Nan Lloyd and Barkervale Oswin.


Yard dog of the year was Nigel Armstrong and Tumutvalley Roy. 

Runner up was Allan Dunn and Gogetta Thor.


Utility dog of the year was Tony Boyle and Boyle Sugar.

Tony also won the breeders award.

Runner up was Ken Atherton and Ramulam Punch.


Tony Boyles, Boyle Sugar.


Nigel Armstrong and Yarralonga Scope.


Simon Leaning and Marionvale Lad.


Tanya Debijl and Daleview Wally. (Karyn Buller Photo)


Gordon Curtis and Kumbark Scotty.


Blake Robinson and Ed.


Nan Lloyd and Whites Ree at the trap. (Karyn Buller photo)


Novice Utility Placegetters.


Novice Yard placegetters.


Open Yard Placegetters.


Open Utility placegetters


Article and results from Nan Lloyd.

Photos from Nan Lloyd and Karyn Buller.














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