Ongerup Yard. Nov 15th, 16th


The final trial for the year in WA was a yard trial and was held at the Ongerup farm of Tim Foster. This is the first time a yard trial had been held there and it was an enjoyable and successful event.


The sheep were 2 year old ewes and they were fairly free working, in fact a bit too free at times, as they had a tendency to tear down the drafting race. This caused a few issues for handlers especially as a count of 12 was necessary to draft into the middle pen. So some handlers had to somehow stop the flow and recount, as things happened too quickly. Mostly however everyone enjoyed working the sheep and the new course on Tim’s fixed yards worked very well.


On the thursday before the trial the temperature barely topped 10 degrees and everyone shivered in thick winter clothes. However it warmed up nicely for the trial to be almost too warm on the Sunday.


There were 18 entries in the novice and 20 in the open.


On the Saturday after the Novice event and unofficial brace event was run. This was a fun and exciting event for everyone. There were 8 entries and the winner was Neil Eastough with his pair Grassvalley Jet and Grassvalley Tinky. Second was Tim Foster with Gwaerfyn Dibly and Jandoree Sadie.




Novice judged by Karyn Buller.


1st. Tony Boyle. Boylee Sugar. 84+88=172. BC.

2nd. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Jude. 77+82=159. Kelpie.

3rd. Nan Lloyd. Just Otto. 80+71= 151. Kelpie.

4th. Tony Boyle. Boylee Stephnie. 59+65=124. BC.

5th. Andrew Gorton. Just Murray. 66+RTD=66. Kelpie.


Open judged by Jenny Parsons.


1st. Hayden Harries. Olboa Ben. 96+96=192. BC.

2nd. Nigel Armstrong. Yarralonga Splinter. 96+95=191. Kelpie.

=3rd. Tony Boyle. Boylee Sugar. 92+97=189. BC

=3rd. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Jude. 94+95=189. Kelpie.

=3rd. Hayden Harries. Ramulam Woofy. 95+94=189. BC.

6th. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Roy. 92+95=187. Kelpie.

7th. Rick Janitz. Jandoree DotCom. 92+93=185. BC

8th. Karyn Buller. Just Jed. 89+95=184. Kelpie.

9th. Tony Boyle Boylee Stephnie. 90+92=182. BC.

=10th. Tony Boyle. Boylee Mustard. 93+87=180. BC

=10th. Rock Janitz. Jandoree Sparky. 93+87=180. BC.

12th. Andrew Gorton. Just Murray. 91+SCR=91. Kelpie


Yard dog of the year was decided and the winner was Hayden Harries and Olboa Ben. Hayden also won breeder of the yard dog of the year.


Runner up yard dog of the year was Nigel Armstrong and Yarralonga splinter.


Andrew Gorton's Just Murray.


  Nigel Armstrong's Yarralonga Splinter.


Rick Janitz Jandoree DotCom


Doreen Hansen Jandoree Harley.


Excited spectators


Hayden Harries Bellview Chloe.




Thanks to Karyn Buller for the following photos of the brace Competition.


Tim Foster with Jandoree Sadie and Gwaerfyn Dibley.


Tony Boyle with Boylee Sugar and Boylee Stephanie.


Doreen Hansen with Jandoree Molly and Jandoree Sparky.


Photos and article by Nann Lloyd







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