The 2017 Albany Show Arena Trial

Article by Marianne Rogers, photos by Jane Dorrell


What a fantastic way to finish the 3-sheep trialing year, and mark our 10th appearance at Albany Show!  Being centre stage on the main arena, immediately in front of the show’s main entry gate and having continuous commentary, a kiosk in the grandstand and covered seating all helped to attract many spectators throughout both days of the show. The venue was spectacular and the weather could not have been better; enough breeze to keep dogs and handlers cool in the sunshine but never enough to blow us around. The Agricultural Society Committee and their volunteers could not have been more obliging and helpful in working through our numerous requirements for camping and trialing on the new sports ground.


The sheep were older wethers, and were testing as usual. Although frustrating competitors at times, this created more excitement for those watching. On one occasion a huge cheer went up from the grandstand as a sheep cleared the fence.  And while one worker was doing a magnificent job quietly walking his sheep towards the winding peg, spectators were seen to be drifting off! Our thanks must go to the unnamed heroes who rounded up and returned the odd wooly escapee.


The grassy green camping spot alongside the trial ground allowed us an excellent view of the action.  Competitor numbers were lower than usual, due to the State Trial being rescheduled to the previous weekend.  Throughout the trial the atmosphere was positive and cheerful, with most people jumping in to help wherever they could. Once again, Stirling club helped with many tasks including our obstacle set up.


As was to be expected with a brand new site, there were a few teething problems along the way: e.g.

The Friday evening fireworks required greater clearance than had been allowed for, requiring us to remove the office from the ground for several hours. Also, “Walter Whip” ventured onto the ground during a run to set up for his demonstration, and had to be quickly persuaded to clear out before the run could be affected. 

To our immense relief, our old neighbour, sideshow alley, was relocated such that we heard nothing from their activities, although the twice daily parade of vintage tractors was a little noisy and may have impacted on some results. However, almost without exception the feedback from competitors was complimentary and positive.


Despite these little hiccups the trial was a great success and competitive to the end, the penultimate run delivering a close result for Dog of the Year.



Encourage judged by Jenny Palm

Cory Rose - Coshies Charm


Novice judged by Gibb Macdonald (40 point ring off)

1st Brad Rose - Euroa Nan 49 + 35 = 84

2nd Tony Boyle - Boylee Gus 55 + L S = 55


Improver judged by Karyn Buller

1st Nick Webb - Morillo Roy 57 + 77 = 134

2nd Jane Dorrell - Perangery Buster 65 + 40 =105

3rd Simon Leaning - Marionvale Mindy 41 + X = 41                                       

4th Jane Dorrell - Rocky Dusty 38

5th Helen Svalbe - Boonining Swag 35

6th Corey Rose - Coshies Charm 32

7th Tony Boyle - Boylee Midget 29

8th Jenny Palm - Brindabella Domini 15













                           Gordon Curtis's Whites Joe


Open judged by Glenice Webb

1st Ivan Solomon - Perangery Sasha 77 + 90 = 167

2nd Phil Dorrell - Jandoree Clive 83 + 83 = 166

3rd Grant Cooke - Badgingarra Fly 68 + 87 = 155

4th Grant Cooke - Grassvalley Sky 69 + 80 = 149

5th Simon Leaning - Chidlow Floss 83 + 55 = 138

6th Simon Leaning - Jandoree Chevy 60 + 70 = 130

7th Tony Boyle - Boylee Sugar 58 + 61 = 119

8th Karyn Buller -  Boonining Maisey 60 + 43 = 103

9th Jenny Palm - Brindabella Domini 51 + 33 = 84

10th Gordon Curtis - Binnaburra Tina 41 + 40 = 81

=11th Gibb Macdonald - Gracehill Daisy 64 + R = 64

 =11th Jane Dorrell - Rocky Dusty 64 + R = 64


Cocoacina Award for novice handler with most points in the Dog of the Year competition 

Tanya de Bijl with Boylee Scout with 12.5 points


Phil Slade Perpetual Trophy awarded for the highest first round score in the open

Equal winners - Phil Dorrell with Jandoree Clive and Simon Leaning with Chidlow Floss


Winner: Dog of the Year

Tony Boyle - Boylee Sugar   55 points


Runner up: Dog of the Year 

Grant Cooke - Badgingarra Fly    51.4 points


Breeder: Dog of the Year 

Tony Boyle



            Marianne Rogers with Marionvale Aykeira

















Grant Cooke's Grassvalley Sky trying some "gentle" persuasion.............



But the sheep still had other ideas................................



Simon Leaning's Jandoree Chevy



Winner of the 2017 Dog of the Year and Breeder of Dog of the Year Tony Boyle with Boylee Sugar


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