Tarwonga Yard and Utility.



The annual Tarwonga Yard and utility trial was held over the weekend of the 6th to the 9th of April at the Atherton's property "Sunnyside", approximately 16km north of Arthur River.

The sheep were typical for the trial, very touchy outside, looking for any opportunity to break and would lean toward the South East corner once released. Once in the yards though they were quite heavy and readily challenged the dogs.

Overall the trial was very competitive with the cut off for the open yard being 92 out of 100, which made for a very close final.

Weather for the 4 days was fantastic. Cold in the morning and evening but fining up for beautiful, warm days.


Encourage winner was Chloe Barake and Kelly.


Novice yard judged by Nan Lloyd:

Scores out of 80.  

1st place: Nan Lloyd- Binnaburra Stephie= 69 Kelpie. (Judged by Karyn Buller and Doreen Hansen)

2nd place: Hayden Harries- Olboa Knight= 66 BC

3rd place: Simon Leaning- Marionvale Lad= 64 BC

4th Place: Jenny Palm- Brindabella Domini= 63 BC

5th place: Shelby Harries- Nobleheir Bess= 62 BC


Novice Utility Judged by Rod Forsyth:

Scores out of 120

1st: Gordon Curtis- Kumbark Tina= 93 Kelpie

2nd: Tony Boyle- Boylee Midget= 77 BC

3rd: Hayden Harries- Olboa Knight= 72 BC 

4th: Nan Lloyd- Binnaburra Stephie= 71 Kelpie

5th: Rod Forsyth- Binnaburra Reece= 70 Kelpie



Open Yard Judged by Richard McGuire:

  Scores out of 100.

1st: Simon Leaning: Marionvale Mindy= 95 + 96= 191 Kelpie

=2nd: Andrew Gorton- Oscar= 94+96= 190 BC

=2nd: Ken Atherton- Ramulam Punch= 92+98= 190 Kelpie

=4th: Hayden Harries- Astor= 99+90= 189 BC

=4th: Tony Boyle- Boylee Burnie= 96+93= 189 BC 

6th: Andrew Gorton- Just Murray= 92+95= 187 Kelpie

7th: Tanya DeBijl- Tilly= 96+90= 186 Kelpie

8th: Gordon Curtis- Binnaburra Ben= 95+90= 185 Kelpie

9th: Nigel Armstrong- Yarralonga Splinter= 92+90= 182 Kelpie

10th: Ken Atherton- Ramulam Lad= 92+86= 178 Kelpie 

11th: Nigel Armstrong- Yarralonga Fly= 95+81= 176 Kelpie 

12th: Tanya Debijl- Boylee Scout= 92+78= 170 BC


Open Utility Judged by Gorden Curtis, final Judged by Andrew Gorton:

Scores out of 120

1st: Ken Atherton- Ramulam Lad= 100+98=198 Kelpie

2nd: Simon Leaning- Chidlow Floss= 97+97= 194 BC

3rd: Gordon Curtis- Binnaburra Johnny= 106+87=193 Kelpie

4th: Nigel Armstrong- Tumut Valley Roy= 83+109= 192 Kelpie

5th: Nan Lloyd- Kumbark Rocket= 85+105= 190 Kelpie

6th: Hayden Harries- Ramulam Woofy= 97+87=184 BC

=7th: Nigel Armstrong- Tumut Valley Jude= 84+98=182 Kelpie

=7th: Ken Atherton- Ramulam Punch= 83+99=182 Kelpie

9th: Gordon Curtis- White's Joe= 76.5+98= 174.5 Kelpie

=10th: Tony Boyle- Boylee Sugar= 72+97= 169 BC

=10th: Simon Leaning- Jandoree Jess= 80+89=169 BC

13th: Simon Leaning- Marionvale Mindy= 72+Rtd= 72 Kelpie.


Congratulations to all the winners and a massive thank you to the judges, office and kitchen staff!


Andrew Gortons Oscar, backing into the truck.


Tony Boyle and Boylee Sugar.


Nan Lloyds, Kumbark Rocket. (photo by Karyn Buller.)


Simon Leaning and Marionvale Mindy, open yard winners.


Jim Harradine and Ryans Jemma.


Tanya DeBijl and Tilly.


Nigel Armstrong and Tumutvally Jude.


Write up and results by Jim Harradine, photos by Nan Lloyd.









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